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When I first saw a MudBuster, I thought it seemed ridiculous. Who needs a special device just to clean a dog’s paws? Well, it turns out that in the middle of the muddiest winter ever in Northern California, * I * do! I have been using the device daily to help manage the amount of mud my three dogs track into the house.
The manager of my favorite local pet supply store told me, “You know what the MudBuster is great for? Dogs who have yeast infections in their feet. It’s a perfect way to soak their feet in a solution of half apple cider vinegar and half water, and lightly debride the funky tissue. I’ve recommended it as a solution to a number of clients and everyone who has tried it has had very good results!” she said.
None of my dogs have yeasty feet, but I’ve heard of many dogs that do and this seemed like the perfect tool and an effective treatment for the chronic condition. I told the manager that I would recommend the product for this purpose in WDJ.
How to Easily Clean Your Dog’s Feet With a Dog Paw Cleaner

My house has white tile floors in the entry and kitchen (not a choice I would have made, but not worth tearing them out, either). And my two-acre property is absolutely infested with gophers; new gopher hills appear on the front lawn and in the back field daily. Woody, my pit/Lab-mix, and Boone, my adolescent foster-fail mutt, are obsessed with digging up the gopher holes. Neither dog has succeeded in actually catching or dispatching any gophers; they just constantly engage in what appears to be trench warfare. Unless I want to live in a mud-pit myself, this means that I need to clean their feet nearly every time they go outdoors and then come back inside.
I have a healthy supply of what I call “dog towels” to wipe the dogs’ feet clean every time they come inside – but it’s far more efficient to use them just dry the dogs’ clean, wet feet than to wipe the mud off. Then I can hang the wet towels near the back door to dry, and reuse them for days, instead of having to wash unsightly muddy ones more frequently (I know my washing machine is going to last longer this way, too).
All you do is half-fill the MudBuster with water and dunk each paw into the device, up and down, twisting the device a bit. The soft, flexible “fingers” inside help loosen any mud clots out from between the dog’s pads. Then you can use a towel all day to quickly and simply dry the dog’s freshly cleaned feet. To finish, just pour out the muddy water and rinse the MudBuster in the sink. For a more thorough cleaning, unscrew the ring-like cap at the top, which holds the flexible cleaning brush inside, and pull out the brush. All of the parts can be washed in the dishwasher (top-rack recommended.)

I think this would also be a great tool for people who live in areas where salt and other chemicals are used to melt ice and snow on sidewalks. The MudBuster would rinse the harsh chemicals off dogs’ feet much more thoroughly and easier than trying to hose or wipe them off.
The MudBuster comes in three sizes; the “Medium” is shown here. It’s available for $15 to $23 from many pet supply stores, online retailers, Target, and Bed, Bath, & Beyond stores.
I cant imagine you dont have to change the water for every paw or at least every 2 paws… othetwise youre rinsing in dirty water!
Be careful letting your dog dig at animal holes!!! When his nose is bitten by one of your varmints you will then have a potential infection with which to deal, or an eye injury, or rabies if your dog is not vaccinated properly.
How about dealing with varmints humanely? There are humane traps you can use (catch and release).
I wanted to like your article Nancy, I really did, but you lost me the second you said, “. . . I am hopeful that when he does, he will figure out a way to dig up, catch, and kill some of the pests.” WHAT? You’re hoping your dog kills gophers so your lawn looks pretty? How incredibly awful and inhumane. Whilst gophers can certainly do some damage to the lawn which is super-aggravating (I know, I have them too), I’d never set out to murder these precious little critters, the very thought of it is outrageous. PLEASE reach out for help and guidance when it comes to humane coexistence. You may have purchased a home on paper, but in reality you’re just a colonist. The gopher was there first. The mentality of destroying wildlife for aesthetics is disgusting and shameful. Surely there are humane solutions, you just need to seek them out. How about alternative landscaping, e.g., rock, stones, and pebbles for a Zen garden?
Obviously some of these people dont have a gopher problem. There is no way I am changing my 1.5 acre property and pasture to a rock garden so a gopher may live a happy life. Ironically in 15 years, 3 dogs have tried in vane to dig and catch gophers never succeeding. However 3 cats have perfected the catch.
I bought the Mudbuster for my young, mud-loving Shepherd-Husky mix, but she is scared of the Mudbuster and will not let me dunk her paw into this device! Any advice? Thanks, Rasa